About Us

The K-12 School Reading List website recommends children’s and young adult books to teachers, schools, parents and librarians in the United States. Our book lists are curated by experienced educators, specialised librarians and highly qualified teachers. At K-12 School Reading List, our mission is to be to provide useful and specific K-12 curriculum reading lists and resources to support in-person teaching and home learning.

We are committed to delivering a comprehensive, thoughtfully curated collection of children’s and young adult literature, encompassing novels, chapter books, picture books, nonfiction, poetry, graphic novels, magazines, and a wealth of literacy and English language arts (ELA) teaching resources. Our purpose is to enrich the literary journey of young minds and inspire a love for reading and learning.

Our pledge is to support and empower teachers, parents, schools, libraries, and home educators in fostering a deep appreciation for literature, language, and literacy among children and young adults. At K-12 School Reading List, we aim to:

  • Empower Educators: We are dedicated to aiding educators in their mission to nurture young readers by offering meticulously curated book lists that align with educational standards, enhance reading comprehension, and embrace diverse genres and perspectives.
  • Engage Parents: We strive to equip parents with the tools and guidance they need to create a home environment that champions reading as an essential, enjoyable activity, and a means of strengthening family bonds.
  • Enrich Schools: We provide schools with a wealth of recommendations and resources to enhance their library collections, ensuring that students have access to a wide spectrum of literature that sparks imagination and fosters academic growth.
  • Support Libraries: We offer libraries a valuable resource for expanding their collections, ensuring that young readers have access to a rich array of reading materials and educational resources.
  • Empower Home Educators: For those who guide their children’s education at home, we are a trusted source for book recommendations, teaching materials, and educational support, enhancing the learning experience and nurturing a lifelong passion for reading and literacy.
  • Celebrate Diversity: We are dedicated to promoting diversity and inclusion in children’s and young adult literature, ensuring that our recommendations reflect the multifaceted tapestry of our society.
  • Promote Literacy and Lifelong Learning: We believe that literacy is the cornerstone of a lifetime of learning. We are committed to promoting reading as a gateway to knowledge, empathy, creativity, and personal growth.

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Our Vision

K-12 School Reading List is more than a website; we hope it is a beacon of inspiration, knowledge, and imagination for children and young adults. We will tirelessly work to provide a trusted resource that empowers those entrusted with nurturing and shaping young readers, ultimately contributing to a brighter, more literate future for the next generations.

Our History

The K-12 School Reading List website was created by Tom Tolkien in 2014.

Our Editor

Tom Tolkien - Educational Management - CEO of School Reading List

Tom Tolkien is a highly qualified educational management professional who has spent over 20 years developing teaching resources for K-12 schools in the United States and other countries worldwide. His area of expertise is literacy instruction, reading recommendations, and school improvement ideas. Twitter | Linkedin