Linking Policy Linking Policy

Linking to

  • is happy for bona fide educators, educational institutions, media organisations, book publishers, literary marketers, writers and other websites that offer a free, educational and informational service to link to our website. 
  • does not permit sites, social profiles, other services or individuals to link to our site for purposes that are malicious, harmful, derogatory, defamatory, bullying, harassing or otherwise negative, unwanted or designed to cause harm to individuals, organisations or technology.
  • does not use paid links (other than clearly identified banner advertising and affiliate links), does not offer link exchanges, does not buy or sell links, and does not offer guest posts. This site vets and checks incoming links and blocks suspicious or spam domains (individually, by site, by range block, by hosting provider and/or by tld), domains with a poor reputation or domains which have abused the trust of our website or caused harm to this website in the past.  For example,, and all Google hosting services are specifically banned from linking to this website due to past abuses.


  • Hotlinking images or other content from or any other related K-12 School Reading List sites or media servers is strictly prohibited.

This policy was last updated on January 28th, 2024.